The Epic X redefines traditional watchmaking with its open-worked design, revealing the movement through the dial and back. Crafted for utmost transparency and structural integrity, it balances visual lightness with functionality, epitomizing modern horology.
Epic X系列採用巧奪天工的鏤空設計,讓人能透過錶盤和錶背欣賞機芯的運作,改寫傳統製錶工藝。腕錶結合透明設計和穩固的結構,完美平衡透視美學與實用功能,譜寫現代鐘錶工藝的典範。
The Epic X redefines traditional watchmaking with its open-worked design, revealing the movement through the dial and back. Crafted for utmost transparency and structural integrity, it balances visual lightness with functionality, epitomizing modern horology.
Epic X系列採用巧奪天工的鏤空設計,讓人能透過錶盤和錶背欣賞機芯的運作,改寫傳統製錶工藝。腕錶結合透明設計和穩固的結構,完美平衡透視美學與實用功能,譜寫現代鐘錶工藝的典範。
Mastering the void. The Epic X is a crafty interpretation of the art of skeleton. In a titanium case, the movement is enhanced by rose gold elements. They underline the graphic, X-shaped structure that runs from case to movement.
Epic X系列以超凡工藝細意演繹鏤空藝術,鈦金屬錶殼內的機芯添上玫瑰金元素,使從錶殼延伸至機芯的奪目X形結構加倍出眾。