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Jacob Co Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary Cortina Watch Mastheaddesktop
Jacob Co Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary  Cortina Watch Watchforeground

Opera Godfather

The Opera Godfather collection combines the world of ultra-high-end watchmaking with the breathtaking complexity of a mechanical musical box, playing the stirring theme music of The Godfather. 

Opera Godfather系列揉合非同凡響的高級製錶工藝與令人驚嘆的複雜機械音樂盒,鳴奏出經典電影《教父》扣人心弦的主題曲。

Opera Godfather

The Opera Godfather collection combines the world of ultra-high-end watchmaking with the breathtaking complexity of a mechanical musical box, playing the stirring theme music of The Godfather. 

Opera Godfather系列揉合非同凡響的高級製錶工藝與令人驚嘆的複雜機械音樂盒,鳴奏出經典電影《教父》扣人心弦的主題曲。

Jacob Co Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary  Cortina Watch Watchforeground

Explore The Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary

探索Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary腕錶

Don Vito Corleone. The famous red rose on his lapel. Quotes from the movie centered around his family's life and legacy. Scenes of the feature film etched onto the white gold case. Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary is a narrative, a tribute, a marvelous piece of innovative craft.

從經典角色「教父」、他襟前的紅玫瑰、有關其家族和傳奇人生的電影對白,以至蝕刻在白金錶殼上的電影場景,Opera Godfather 50th Anniversary腕錶以教人嘆為觀止的創新時計傑作,向傳奇電影致敬。